Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Purpose of my Poems

Purpose of my Poems
I write poetry for people
People who need an injection of a lethal life giving substance by a ink-filled needle
Just to feel the rush

That's why I use the muse of inspiration that's been infused into this confused mind of mine 
In hope that you may find that midas touch

A midas touch with turns your dreams into gold
So that they become the facts and fabric of this world and a sight to behold

And with that injection of gold in your soul 
You can go for goals that make you bold
That last line is important to understand 
Which is why I put it in bold

I write poems 
So that when my story is told
That it's a story about someone who lit up fires for the young and the old

Someone who shined sunlight with every entrepreneurial venture 
and at every entertainment venue
Someone providing fuel for the movement of many dreams 
that may seem hopeless 
To still continue

I write poems
For children who wield minds that work up warlocks and witchcraft
A way that they can use their imagination to craft their own path

Cause kind people of the world we've been given a task
To keep our kids dreams alive until they can truly walk on their own at last

Last but not least 
I write poems to provide a path to bring peace
As a poetic peacemaker putting poems into peoples passion and perspectives to make violence cease

In order to release a hint of a paradise that I when I have kids I can show'em
The power within people
Who live life 
Like a poem

This is not just a poem, but a promise! 
A promise that I make with all who enter this blog, and all who enter into my circle of influence. A promise that I will continue to share ideas with the purpose of  moving the world forward for the better.

The movement continues,
- Rhetorical Artz          

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