Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Oppositional Attitude

Sometimes I just want to cry
til I die
So I laugh
and laugh lively

Sometimes I just want to sit
and pretend I don’t exist
So I stand and raise my hands

Sometimes the world get me so down
that I want to give up
with a frown
So I smile
bigger than the happiest child

Acting in opposition is something I've been doing for a while

And I think the reason why is because growing up
I began to notice that when people wanted something
they often never got it
But when people wanted nothing
that something seemed to always be want they got

this didn't happen to me all the time
just enough that I began to see a trend

A trend I saw many of my family and friends follow...
Which I really couldn't understand
at first

Cause it just seemed so weird to me
to see someone who wanted peace
to be acting mad
or who wanted joy
to be acting sad
or who wanted goodness
to be acting bad

I mean if they really wanted those things
then why the heck would go and do
the reverse?

But then I grew a tad bit
And as I did I had to admit
that I had come to understand it more

What I came to understand is that
insanity is defined as doing the same things
expecting different results
but ultimately
getting the same ones

Which would mean sanity
is doing different things
expecting the same results
but ultimately
getting different ones

So then doing something
in way that’s completely different from what your expecting
and getting completely different results
is better than doing the same thing
over and over again,
but getting
of what you expected

Which told me that basically
somewhere down the timeline
humanity must have joined forces with insanity

Because it is insane
to walk around being cruel, or upset, or depressed
And expect to ever get anything less
than that

people do all of these things
thinking that somehow
that will be rewarded
with kindness, or peace, or joyfulness

I’m not saying that I haven’t done any of this
nor that I won’t do it ever again
What I’m sayin is that I have
and continue to hold
an attitude of opposition
against insanities transmission

Cause without an attitude of opposition
I don't see how anyone could live in a world
On holding one another through a grip of hatred
or kissing fellow human beings with lips of cruelty
Without having some means
of resisting it

So I laugh
even when I feel like I want to cry
And I live
even when I everything in me wants to die
And when the voice of despair
tells me I should just sit
and cease to exist
I stand-up
and raise my hand
in a fist

Cause otherwise how can tell my future children
much less my own inner child
that when everything in life that comes around
seems to be trying to pull you down
That smiling...
is still okay

Because sanity is defined as doing different things
while expecting the same results
but doing them anyway

So I implore you
although I don’t know you
Or necessary relate to what you've been through
don’t give in the whim of this messed up world
But to that oppositional attitude
of wisdom within you...
be true

The Movement Continues...
- Rhetorical Artz

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