The term "entrepreneur" gets thrown around way to much these days. More and more I see this word being slapped onto resumes, strapped into cookie cutter corporations, and declared by people as if they are declaring their major for college. Sorry to say this guys and girls but it's not that easy. You having a network marketing business, multi-level marketing business, being any type of small business owner, or declaring entrepreneurship as your college major does not make you an entrepreneur.
The very same misunderstanding happens when asking the question of what it means to be an artist. You being a musician, a painter, singer, or rapper DOES NOT make you an artist. Artists put their hearts, souls, and personal being into their art to birth something into the world that is unlike anything that has been seen before. With their gut instinct and spirit as their guides( they do also get help and inspiration along the way), they are able to take an empty piece of paper or canvas, and place upon them visions that stretch the imagination; expanding the realm of what was thought to be possible. The art that they create is something that can not be copied close to well enough to amount to the real thing; many may try, but none will succeed.
Entrepreneurs are artist. They create, innovate, and originate ideas into ventures that have never been done how they are doing it. Like an artist, NO ONE can tell them how to do so; you can't tell anyone how to do something that has not been done before( but you can get help and will often need it at some point). Now don't get it twisted, their is nothing wrong with running a small business or declaring entrepreneurship as a major. And you can always become an entrepreneur or be an entrepreneur despite having one or both of those things slapped onto your resume. But being an entrepreneur DOES NOT happens just because of a major, a business, or simply because you say you are. It's a choice to venture pass the cut and dry canvases of society, risk it all on the bold paint of your ideas, and shake up the world; creating works of art that change the way we look at life. So now let me ask you two questions: are you an artist, are you an entrepreneur? Before you answer these two questions let me give you a hint: choose carefully, cause your answer hits two birds with one stone.
The Movement Continues...
- Rhetorical Artz
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