Monday, May 31, 2010

Power of a Screen Saver

Power of a Screen Saver
There is a scream outside my screen that looks to me and starts yelling
I guess not... 
Weeeeeeelllllllllll not "apparently"

  But in truth...
Through the means within the seems of the screen 
I can see some of what was screamed out as "Scarcity"
And beyond the herded vision of one whose views are Virtually imprisoned
I can also see what was esteemed to be deemed

But the free view outside my window is refreshingly new
And amongst it is a dream of clarity
Making it clear to me that I shouldn't waste time here feeling bad
But instead I should open my window and prepare to see...

(Now imagine this)
A Journey through the forest, fields,valleys, and waterfalls 
Over the mountaintops, reaching the sky's before making a splash Openly slipping into the oceans 
Only to begin hopping happily amongst the many islands to end up  Out-right-relaxed-upon-the-beautiful-beaches

 That, is the reality which reaches
 And the vision of various views that teaches 
All of us 
Not to just sit around 
And fuss

Yet here is this screen sucking away my time
Trying to make me manically lose my mind
As it tempts me to scream,shout and cuss 
into dust

But Instead...
I'll choose to cling to things that bring positive mood swings
Swinging through the doors of my life!
So I let go of what I once was limited to know
As I allow my soul to journey through paradise!

But before I go let me give you a word of advice
About living a life that is much more bolder and braver
All that's required to attain all of that which you desire
Is leaving your cellphone and computer to their screen savers

The Movement Continues...
- Rhetorical Artz

P.S. Editing can eat my

Let me know what you think on that last one

Hey guy,
Anyone who gets an email from with the words "movement journal" in brackets, that is from my blog(this post included). Not sure if that confused anyone. So anyway, when you guys ever get a chance I would love your feedback on some of the stuff coming out of this. Some of the stuff that I post on this personal blog, such as the last article with the gravity poem, will be material I may be using for the M.Powered! Ideaz website( Not that I am thinking about that right now Cindy. Just creating stuff at the moment). That said, I will be doing not a lot but a little bit of editing hence forth. Just so that I am getting what I am trying to say across. Also anyone who is not on that email list(could only put ten people on), I would be overjoyed if you would hit one of the reactions boxes located at the bottom of each posting. Thanks!
The movement continues,
- Rhetorical Artz    

The Gravity of being Great

Zero Gravity by: Rhetorical Artz
How can I grasp a gravity that hasn't had me
 How can I attain what my experience can't explain
For if I have not ever known what is true agony
Than can I truly complain?

How can I grasp a gravity that hasn't had me
How can I master another masters' self-embodied skill? 
For if I have never truly moved amongst that master
Then is mastering it even in my will?

How can I grasp a gravity that hasn't had me
How can I move the masses when I speak?
For if I lack empathy or experience towards mistake of the many masses
Then are there any masses I can even reach?

How can I grasp a gravity that hasn't had me?
 How can I grapple with the gravity of a great?
For if I have yet to move within my own laws of gravity
I will never truly begin to relate

The gravity of this poem
   To explain the gravity of this poem I want to first talk a bit about one of my favorite TV shows- the Charlie Rose Show. The Charlie Rose Show- where "acclaimed interviewer and broadcast journalist Charlie Rose engages America's best thinkers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, business leaders, scientists and other newsmakers in one-on-one interviews and roundtable discussions"(copied from  is an awesome program for two reasons.

   The first reason, is because it offers an opportunity for the sharing of ideas that are as inspirational as they are insightful. The second reason is that the show democratizes the actions behind those very ideas for anyone who looks at the greats in a given area and says, "I have no idea how to get to a place of greatness in what I want to do in my life." I have been learning a lot recently from the acclaimed greats who have appeared on this show. The biggest lesson I have learned is how to apply the gem of wisdom that these greats have encountered- lesson which tokes some of these people years to learn- into my daily life. However, there are moments in each show when I feel a complete disconnect from the gravity of the experiences that these acclaimed greats are sharing. Why is that?

    The truth is that I am disconnected from the weight and rewards that can only be attained within those lived experiences. That is why if I want to lets say be an actor, listening to the insight from Charlie's interviews with actors like Morgan Freeman or Matt Damon are both encouraging and enriching to that end. But when I hear Morgan Freeman talk about being stuck in the role of Nelson Mandela for a whole day due to the sheer magic of that moment in filming, or the experience of an alternative reality that Matt Damon was able to be in during Green Zone, I feel as if I have entered an A to B conversation in which my lack of experience is "C"ing me out of the insiders scoop.

    This realization that lead me to grasping the significance or gravity of the self-lived experience. The gravity of truly living out the things that you have in your sights verses seeing them on the side lines through someone else. In other words, it is one thing to love the idea of doing or being something, but it is something different all together to love the activity of doing or being something. It is a distinction that has a tendency to be missed in our modern day society, a distinction that the poem above tends to, and a distinction that offers a very key lesson.

   The lesson is that if one mistakes an idea of being great- whether it be a great actor, writer, speaker, entrepreneur, artist, or any other genre of which being great applies- with the action of being great, they have separated themselves from ever truly grasping the gravity and experience of attaining actual greatness. Which ultimately means that if you want to being a great writer, start writing(which is why I created this blog). If you want to be a great thinker, start thinking. If you want to be great in general, then by God just start being generally great! But if your not doing what your discussing, then what your discussing is in reality nothing.

How can I grasp a gravity that hasn't had me?
 How can I grapple with the gravity of a great?
For if I have yet to move within my own laws of gravity
I will never truly begin to relate

The Movement Continues...
- Rhetorical Artz
To see more on this topic, click the following link:

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A poem about the beauty of just being who we are

Out of Place by: Rhetorical Artz
No building was left unturned
As we searched amongst the ground
What we thought we'd get we never learned
As we lost, looked, and found

No question was left unasked
As we hunted for wisdoms jewel
But what was truly to be unmasked
Was something of a renewal

For "knowing" what we wanted
Was a problem in itself
For when what was needed taunted
We ignored it for something else

But upon unearthing our arrogance 
And ignorance wrapped in one
The truth began to be unwrapped
And our journey finally begun

Upon beginning a true beginning
What became the very joy
Was not in conquering or winning 
But in letting Truth deploy

Truth that what was at first a destination
An exact thing or state or space
Became an outgoing journey of small revelations
Revealing not a thing
Or a stone
Out of Place

The Movement Continues...

Friday, May 28, 2010

A Pilot Chapter to a randomly inspired Fiction

Chapter 1: Solomons Surroundings
Solomon watched ritualistically, as the sun rose out of the sea to be handed off to the cloudy and confused sky of a new Friday morning. Falling in line with natures morning wakeup routine, Solomon began his own daily ritual of waking up; singing to the rhythm of the waves as they crashed against the rocks. Without the wonderful ringing of waves to rocks, Solomon began his random morning song: "How redundant", he sang aloud, "hhhhhhooooowwww redundant. Yet how abundant are yyooouuuuuuuuu. Full of wonder. Full of Thunder. Full of Light." Solomon was never a socially good singer in his opinion. In fact, beside his close and only friend Zoe, the only audience to have ever heard him sing was the beach in his backyard. "Whoof whoof, ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuu," Zoe chimed in with the finishing notes of the newly made up song. "Now that's a finish Zozo," Solomon said with an glowing smile towards another beautiful morning, " Now if the world could only sing ga song like that."
In the village of Darakai, Solomon was seen as what they called allarbizey, or crazy. He had a house, which he built when he was a child, that stood miles apart from the rest of the village. The way he spoke to the villagers was equally allarbizey to them. It was as if he made his words dance together when he spoke to them. Most of the villagers couldn't understand why he did that, but assumed it had something to do with being exposed to the outsiders for so long. "Zozo you'd be da only one who gets me," Solomon muttered as he glided pass the first few village houses, "da rest of da villagers don't godda damn clue." And in fact they most certainly didn't. Because not only had they never been exposed to the outsiders, but they had never been exposed to the concept or experience of exploring. So how could they grasp the journey that Solomon toke within his mind every morning and moment as he raised his voice adventurously. "I tell you Zozo, when I get younger, I hope I still have me ole vision to leave dis sheltared little rock 'n' return to paradise." Zoe looked up and responded with a reassuring lick on the leg, forcing the lips on Solomons face to curl upward toward the cloudy sky.

 Today was a special day in Darakai, for today the village was celebrating it's birthday. Everyone including Solomon was called to gather at the morning celebration. Solomon arrived just as the honorary Tale Teller began his traditional speech: " 200 years ago, a spirit came to this once uninhabited land with a dream. A dream to live in peace with nature. A dream to live in peace with the wild life. And a dream to live at peace with itself. The name of that spirit was Darakai!!" The Tale Teller stopped to allowed the applause and cheers to die down before continuing. "That same spirit which formed this very village formed each one of you", and as he said this he looked amongst the crowd with a glaze of pride and affection. "You, the carriers of the Darakai spirit's  will and wisdom will one day raise this village to the heights of paradise." May we continue with persistence in our work until that fateful day arrives. And my fellow spirits, when that time does come, we will finally be able to put our work to rest and dance forever in the spirit of Darakai!!!" As he said this, a unified voice of all of the villager erupted amongst the celebration. "DARAKAI, DARAKAI, DARAKAI!!" As the crowd began to dance in celebration and chanting, the honorary Tale Teller slipped out from the center of the crowd and made his way over to Solomon who was feeding Zoe her morning meal.

  "Sarai Sarai fellow spirit ", the Tale Teller said as he faced Solomon. He reached both his hands forward in the official Tale Teller greeting, "Hello Chaleal", replied Solomon with a tone of disdain, not bothering to shake his hands, but instead gave him a hard slap on the back. It always bothered Solomon how official Chaleal tried to be with him during the annual celebration. It was as if he transformed from being his older brother spirit to becoming the Singermen that reined supreme in the outsiders' city. "Oh come on Solomon," Chaleal groaned, "you'd a know I gotta keep up ma appearances here in da village." "Do what ya want", Solomon retorted, "just don't be expect'in me to comply ta dis foolishness. What's this we really celebrating today anyway? What "work" has dis damn village even done? And ta what end? Every year dis here village gets in dis bullpoopa happy state 'n' me 'n' you be da only ones who a even remember it anyway. Then dey wake up a next mornin and greet oneaspirit saying, "man great celebration. I can't wait until next year." makes no slickering sense Chaleal!" "Ssshhh, lower your voice Solomon", cautioned Chaleal. "Ya know da rules. Dis ere's how it gotta be. It be da only way that em villagers can relieve da pressures of responsibility dat Darakai be putt'in on em. You remember what it was like before this celebration was created, or do you need a reminder." "I need no reminder fine thank you Chaleal," Solomon grunted in the mocking tone of his brothers' former speech, and with that turned and began to glide back out of the village. Wait up Solomon, " Chaleal said, phrasing in front of Solomon, " I know ya don't like dis celebration but what else can we do!? Dis be what we bin told ta do. Dese be da roles we bin told ta play in dis here society. Darakai, would go crazy if we..." He voice trailed off to a loud noise which sounded like nails scraping a chalkboard. This was not something that usually happened during the celebration. Chaleal and Solomon looked at each other knowingly. Something was definitely about to happen that had never occurred before.  "This is bad," Kaleal whispered, as he toke out his sword, "I know", Solomon replied, as he too began to unsheathe his blade, "there bout ta be trouble." "Could it be da outsiders," Kaleal asked, as he began to float quickly toward where the sounds were coming from. "There's only one way ta find out" , Solomon grinned in excitement, as he began floating alongside his brother spirit." Well I da say maybe dis celebration won't be so bad aftil all!"
The Movement Continues...
- Rhetorical Artz

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Will of the Written Word

I initially meant to just write this to my brother Alex, but it felt so great after expressing it that I decided to post it. So here it is. The reason why I write...

I realize why I want to write. In my inner adventurous life of magic and mystery, dragons and witches, bullshit and barriers to entry into the promise land, the pen has always been my most trusted companion. It is the historian that will recount my life when I leave this rock (can't wait, but I digress). The reason that I write is because it is one of the very few times when I can focus on the present moment. Where I can forget about my own existence and complete focus all my being into something with a vigor that vanquishes all variables of fear and enables me to vanish from the very thought of myself.  That "in the zone" moment momentarily moves me into a place and space that is out of space; a space and time that is timeless. When I write, everything- other than the vision of the beauty inside- is no more, and I can finally just be in an absolutely concentrated state of freedom. Even writing about myself is not myself writing, but the pen providing a perspective of it's own on myself while I am not present in my own mind. Which is the best thing about it. I am not there to criticize, so whether what I write is bad or good or even whether your reading this or not, it truly matters not. For when I write I return to the core of creation, the core of existing without resisting, the core of the uninterrupted me. As one writer and thinker to another, my brother, if freedom from the frivolous is all you want to know then writings the way to go and let go.  
The movement continues...
- Rhetorical Artz

P.S. I was inspired by the essay Why Write? by Alan Shapiro. If this interests you, click the link below:


Belated congratulations to my entrepreneurial brother at arm Matt French, who weeks ago got into the tech start-up incubator alpha-lab. Way to go bro!!!Check out what alpha lab is at the link below.

The Whisper of my Words

So I was aiming to begin putting up some writing pertaining to the blog related with my eventual venture start-up M.Powered! Ideaz. But sad to say I have not. Why? There are two reasons I can think of which are that 1) I promised a close friend of mine I would not think about my " new opportunity" - as she puts it- and 2) I have not written anything that to me sounds or feels as if I have something to say that is truly timeless. When I say timeless, I mean thoughts armed with wisdom and eloquence the produces content that transcends differences and division to speak to a universal heart of the world. Some may say that is a standard seems both an unattainable and unrealistic. And you know you are most likely right. So allow me to qualify by saying that I want to write something with the capacity to do that. And in my heart I have yet to produce an article that does that for me much less anyone else from my standard.
Now what I am talking about when I say writing I am directly referring to articles. I have written wonderful works of poetry and spoken word that in my option are as refreshingly raw and real as they are incredibly imaginative and original(in my opinion). I say that not to enlarge my own ego but to engage my next statement with certainty which is this: I know the feeling that comes with a movement powered piece of work and the articles I have written so far have not reached that height. I have gotten closer, but I have yet to meet it yet. So I will continue to write in private until I create a piece of work that hold in it the capability to reach beyond me, and meet millions of diverse people in their life stories.
Until then and long after that point, the movement continues...
- Rhetorical Artz 

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I literally mean NO EDITING

Movement Makers,
The reason why you are getting this in your email is because you are someone who I have connected with in a deep way. This is nothing that I am trying to make public by any means. Just a personal space for me to be me without any need for correction. That is why I am not editing the work that is being posted here. Well unless when your reading it becomes absolutely impossible to follow me. If that happens, shoot me an email and I will do some editing. I do what you to be able to following in this journal of mine.
And so the movement continues...
Adam aka Rhetorical Artz

Lessons learned through his years entrepreneurial endeavor

For the past four months, I have been taking a business consultant class. In this class you could do two things. A) Consult for an existing business or B) Make your own business. I choose the later. The business I choose to start was one I had already been working on last semester. Now, I can't say that any of the material in the class itself helped me, but what I can say is that the feedback was of huge help.

When I first got into this class, the one thing that I thought was clear about the business wasn't. The only things that honestly was clear about it was the philosophy behind the business. But I soon learned(and continue to further learn) that too much theory takes away from doing much to make things actually happen. Too much theory can also make too much happen at once. Everybody has a theory on something. As a matter of fact we have theories about alot of things. But imagine trying to live out every theory that you had at the same time. We would self-destruct, and I know this because I almost did. basically I started out trying to do so many things that I wanted to do with the business at once that after a while I couldn't do much of anything for the business. A divided self never stands. When your trying to do so much at once- monthly networking session, creating promotional campaigns for companies, creating thought leadership programs for companies, starting an online integrated media platform, and creating a trailer for a company, YOU END UP DOING BARELY ANY OR NONE OF IT AT ALL! More importantly you can't appreciate or enjoy what you are doing fully. Having that class help me greatly see this.

I also learned that business driven people want to know two things when you tell them an about a venture your want to do or are attempting to start- 1) what are the outcomes and 2) where is your income. That is the bottom-line in business and understanding that is key when doing business(or working with people who are business minded). I finally grasped that when everytime that I went to meet with Matt French(my personal business consultant for the class and Co-Founder of DE Premier Products), Dr.Mary T. McKinney (the professor teaching to class and the director of Duquesnes Small Business Development Center), and Carmen Dawson ( a mentor, and entrepreneur) I got basically the same questions. I would hear, "I don't see how your making money" or "what is the point to what your trying to do." As much as those questions frustrated me, they forced me to evaluate the value proposition of my endeavor, which I am now seeing is making this idea a hell of a lot better.

Another key lesson that struck me ,thanks to the help of taking this class, is that most successful businesses happen out of a mix of being simple, focused, and done one step at a time. Mine was none of those things. On both a theory and practice level lied a deep and complex way of approaching and explaining what I was doing. I was also trying to (like I might have said eailer) to bring out everything I had in my vision of this business out at once. But once I started simplifying what I was doing, I found it easier to seeing and explain what it was that the business did and the value behind it. Once I started streamlining my business to focus on just one out of the many aspect of the business I wanted to implement, I found it easier to begin implementing. And the minute I starting focusing on one step at a time, I begin to start doing and living out what the business was with ease. In doing these three things, I realized that these are things that are constantly recurring and will never stop in a start-up.   

The last thing that I learned is that although I am an entrepreneur, that I am not a business person. Not to say that I couldn't be, I just don't want to be. To me entrepreneurship is someone who is obsessed with bringing something into the world that they feel either a)should be there but is not or b) is there but not good enough. That can done as a musician, a scientist, an artist, an author, a business person, or anything you do in life. But I repeat, that is in no way owned by the area of business. It is in fact a way of life. During the course of this past four months I have meant entrepreneurs that were not business people, and business people that were not entrepreneurs. Those interaction have helped me understand that I am an entrepreneur, and I can leave that class confident that my entrepreneurial endeavors will succeed and grow as I do.
The Movement Continues...